(Image courtesy of Thenailnetwork)                                                 

Alright i don’t often enter giveaways, having a feeling i never win (which is half true !). But there are some bloggers that truly deserve a little more light and some giveaways that can’t be ignored !

So here i am trying to win the giveaway hosted by Thenailnetwork, a nailartist that i have always followed without leaving comments or anything else. I just feel blogs that have a lot of followers are hard to be kept up with comments.

Rambling right? Guess what is given away? My favorite nail polishes in the whole world : CHINA GLAZE ! Precisely, the China Glaze Holiday Joy collection ! Couldn’t let this one pass me by 🙂

Now the only thing i want you my readers to do is go and check out her blog, then come back & tell she doesn’t have lovely nails & hands? 😀

Wish me luck my loves