IMG_6960 copieI am so thankful for another year. With the ones i love. My family, friends.

But also with you all, that stayed so patient, having my back, sending me messages of support and love and care. I truly can say i am blessed.

Life is not an easy road. I choose to walk mine in faith. And through all these hard times, i discovered true love. Love only One can give, love from above, love that is patient, that is calm, powerful and quiet and warm and peaceful. God.

It took me a long time. A very very long time. But then…It happened. I am ready. Ready to be fully back if God’s willing.

2014. This year, i am fully back, decided to stay. Cause after all this time, this is a brand new me.

From 2008-2012, my journey was learning about beauty. I went through so many things, i finally understood what it was all about.

Beauty is a choice. It does comes from within indeed. This is why i want you to join me and choose to be beautiful.

I hope you all had a great year, safe and fullfilled with joy.

Love. Yours truly, Nunaa