nunaavaneI remember i had a lot of questions concerning my daughter’s natural hair, such as her wash day, so i decided to start a serie that is coming up in videos, it will be called MMM : pronounce M’n’M’n’M (just as you’d do with the M&Ms right? :-D)

M.M.M stands for Monday Mini Me, or Monday Mini Munchkin, My Munchkin Monday, or My Mini Me, turn it either way, it was meant to be tons of M’s 😀

I have a lot of posts to do about so many subjects, hopefully you guys will make sure i do all your requests. In the meantime, here is the detailed routine of my daughter’s wash day in winter.

Products i use :

IMG_7145From letf to right :

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cheapie conditionner, Leave in, Oil, Wide toothe comb

I don’t use shampoo on her hair during winter times. If ever i do so, i will only do it to clarify her scalp every 8 weeks… Other than that i only use ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) rinses on her scalp. I know so many people (including my mum!!) who would tell me “DON’T WASH HER HAIR IN WINTEEERRR!!!” Me : “Uhhh???.. No way, she’ll end up with wounds on her scalp from itching!” So we found a routine that seems to work so far. I wash her hair & scalp every 2-3 weeks. In between i do this method that i have shown here a few years ago.

1st step is to wet the hair, make sure it is saturated with water. Then with the hair still wet i separate her whole mane in 3 (sometimes 4 sections).

I use tons and tons of conditionner on her hair, because otherwise we get no job done. Her hair HAS to be fully conditionned in order to be managed and/or detangled. I always try to make sure i use a large tooth comb, detangling from tips to roots.

Then we do a 2 strand big twist, and move on to the next section.

Conditionned hairThis is hair saturated with conditionner

Once it is all detangled, i thouroughly rinse, using warm water (i only use colder water in hot summer days) making sure there is no conditionner left close to the roots.

After detangling, it is time to take care of the scalp.

I use ACV for it has many good properties such as will help balance the pH hair and remove the buildup that can result from the use of styling products. It is also a good way to fight lice for kids going at school and being exposed to unhealthy heads of hair.

I pour about 1oz of ACV for about 7oz of water. Then i make sure it gets all over her scalp, working on all sections. I gently massage it on her scalp. I have her close her eyes for security cause once i got some in my eyes, i cried. Yes i said it ! Hahaha.

Now you can retwist, the ACV smell goes away. If i have too much ACV, i will pass the water once on her whole head, but most of the time, the ACV is the final rinse.

When it’s all twisted, i pour a little bit of any oil i have close (this time was macadamia) and i massage it on the extra ends, right before she puts her turbie on and gets to play a bit in the shower.

This is exactly how i wash her hair, 2 x month in winter. The conditionner doesn’t stay on the scalp otherwise it gets very itchy for her. If ever you want a styling post, then let me know my loves. Thanks for stopping by 🙂